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000018_nobody_Fri Jun 4 19:12:34 1999.msg
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From: Chris Seward <amiga@thefree.net>
To: amos-list@onelist.com
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 22:49:41 +0000
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Subject: [amos-list] amos.com registration?
Status: O
From: Chris Seward <amiga@thefree.net>
Hi y'all,
I'll get to the point very quick, well I see that the official amos page
is at,
Which is quite a long address and is on free space, I wonder if anyone
would be interested in me registering www.amos.com if its still free or
www.amos.net if its not. This could offer email addresses for products,
and Amos groups etc, for example Andrew Crowes Mantasoft amos
group could have, mantasoft@amos.com as well as other groups having
other addresses.
We could also sub-domain from amos.com with things like,
www.mushy.amos.com for a Mushy PD site or anything of importance.
I was thinking that the main site could be a global place for amos users
around the world, how often have you typed anything of interest without
actually knowing if the site exists, you would type
www.name-of-a-group.com and most probably come up with a site to
do with the group you where looking for even if you didn't know the
site was actually there. I'm sure some people have thought lets try
for an Amos site, hmm maybe www.amos.com would be a good idea, its
easy to remember. they type it and find nothing exists, if i registered
it then we could have the biggest global resource for amos programs.
We could have sections for news, latest releases detailing anything
programmed in amos new, tutorials and help sections giving extensive
help into every single problem. We could have sections for important
projects like the new Amos with up to the second news on what is going
on, an amos swap section, questions and answers where people can
post questions and anyone could give an answer, ideas pool where
authors could get ideas from users who use their software.
Just think this could be a mass resource for Amos. For this to happen
I need *alot* of support to make it worth while buying the domain and
paying for hosting etc etc. I will also not beable to put 100% into this
project because of running alot of other things so would need alot
of help, ie. html coders, ideas, gfx, layout designers and other helpers
of other sorts.
You could advertise for rare disks of amos, need helpers for your
utility or game? this could be a great chance to let them know, put
together new teams to design new amos products, games/apps made
in amos or extensions etc. You never know big brother multi-million
pound company or an Amiga company could spot your work and give
you your break. It will allow a main centre for all small one man teams
to unite.
If anyone has any ideas on this or if you think its a good idea reply
to the list and let everyone know.
If www.amos.com is taken we could have www.amos.net or www.amos.org
Toodle Pip!
Chris Seward Email : chris@aio.co.uk
*http://www.aio.co.uk* Phone : +44 (0)7887 664 915
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